Monday, October 1, 2012


"Half-shark, half-octopus, all killer." 
I think the cover image is fan art and thus not official, but whatever, it's pretty damn awesome.

Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus is, admittedly, a pretty great movie. However, it's a bit redundant to have two monsters in a monster movie. Star Entertainment realized this and figured the could one-up the Asylum production, simply by taking the same two monster sized animals and combining them into one. And thus, the Sharktopus was born.

This is actually a pretty good movie all things considered. The budget feels about a hundred times higher than the regular SyFy or The Asylum production, which means it probably cost about a thousand dollars to make.

Sharktopus is, like most creatures in monster movies, an experiment by mad scientists gone wrong. A shark and an octopus has been combined (for some reason, both parts are a lot bigger than the animals normally are) by the military to create the ultimate weapon or whatever. Seems pretty useless, but whatever.
The Sharktopus has a remote control device with which the military can decide who the creature should kill. In an expected turn of events, the device breaks during a demonstration of the weapon, and the creature is free to roam the seas. Also, it's free to roam the beaches, because this movie would suck if it couldn't walk on land. Which, of course, it can. Fuck yeah.

So anyway, the Sharktopus proceeds to kill people and a reporting team (why are there always reporters in these movies?) together with some other people I can't be bothered to remember set out to kill it before it eats everyone.
There are a lot of good special effects scenes that will have you figuratively rofling, and the actors are pretty much what you'd expect (so yeah, they're about as good as Steven Seagal). All in all, an entertaining movie.

The best thing is probably the almost mainstream success the movie for some reason managed to receive, which spawned some great things, like this absolutely amazing plushie, made by "a friend of someone that works at the network" (at least I tried to give credits..):

Trailer (Don't miss out on the song!)

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